

React Native, Typescript

Business Objective:

Our primary business objective was to enhance the security and performance of the platform. We prioritized upgrading AWS EC2 VMs with (Instance Meta data Service) v2 and conducted a comprehensive analysis and update of the SAST tool, SonarQube, ensuring a secure codebase. The aim was to establish a resilient environment in line with industry best practices, safeguarding against evolving cyber threats.

Innovated Result:

Our meticulous security measures for the platform involved a Dependency Library Analysis and Upgrade initiative, complemented by a comprehensive compatibility matrix, streamlining the software stack. A seamless OS upgrade to Ubuntu Pro 18.04, combined with security and kernel patches, elevated system resilience. The integration of a Web Application Firewall and enhanced network security fortified the HelpShift platform, fostering a more secure and resilient ecosystem. Our groundbreaking OS Patching Tool, marrying shell script agility with Ansible playbooks, facilitates effortless server viewing, upgrading, securing, and customization through a user-friendly interface.

Elevated Outcome:

Our interventions resulted in an elevated outcome, evident in the fortified security and improved operational efficiency of the platform. Strategic egress filtering rules and meticulous Web Application Firewall implementation mitigated threats, ensuring robust defense against unauthorized access. Upgrades to AWS EC2 VMs, SAST tool, and dependency libraries contributed to a more secure and high-performing environment. The OS upgrade and security patches underscore our commitment to a state-of-the-art infrastructure, establishing a resilient foundation for future scalability and technological advancements.